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So I will be starting a new category on this silly little blog, Adventures in Grocery Shopping. This category will be dedicated to the weird things my husband and I run into on our grocery shopping adventures.

We're going to start it off with a classic, maybe even the picture that started this all.


Doesn't your dog deserve it?


I will not forget the pain and rage

The crying

the tears

The fears

Of a life growing somewhere inside me

The tiny kicks and screams

Of futility

And even that first time

When he opened his eyes

And smiled

Will not erase the rest

The pain

The tears

And my fears

So I write poetry too. Or I used to? I guess I don't so much anymore.

People talk about how beautiful pregnancy is, and the miracle of childbirth. But it was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. And I feel like our inability to have an honest discussion about how bad pregnancy and childbirth can actually be is extremely detrimental.

Post-Parturm Depression is a painfully common problem which many women are still afraid to admit having because we all have this idea that we should be overjoyed and automatically have this strong, happy healthy bond with our baby. If we are not instantly perfect mothers, if our nurturing instincts don't suddenly wake up inside of us, then obviously it is something wrong with us.

No one should have to feel this way.

No one should think that they have to suffer alone.

Death Never Sleeps by E.J. Simon is a horrible book. The premise is sort of interesting, it’s supposed to be a crime thriller with murder and intrigue, but in reality, it’s not. It honestly starts out sort of interesting, the writing even seems pretty good at first. As it goes on, it just keeps getting worse, until it eventually devolves into a virtual strip club. There are parts of this book that focus on how the main character, Michael, recognizes a plastic surgeon’s work on four different women because he apparently does the exact same breasts on every woman he works on. I have no idea how that’s relevant to a man being trapped inside his own computer. Honestly, I hated this book. I did not want to finish it. But I felt like I had an obligation to leave an honest review based on actually reading it. So if you’re looking for a thinly veiled porn novel, then I would recommend this book. Otherwise, skip it. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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